Jessica Jones Month: AKA Jessica Jones

Posted: October 21, 2015 in Comic Book Breakdowns
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WARNING: Spoilers ahead

Welcome everyone to the first day of Jessica Jones month! Just like how I did it for ol’ Daredevil, I’ll be releasing new Jessica Jones related content, both here and on the Comic Books vs The World Youtube channel, every single day up until the November 20th release of Jessica Jones on Netflix!

Unlike Daredevil though, not as many people are aware of exactly who Jessica is, what she can do, and what happened to her. So before we can get full swing into Jessica Jones Month, let’s take a little bit of a look at her history.

Image taken from

Jessica Jones, born Jessica Campbell, was your average high school girl. Shy and nerdy, she developed a crush on her fellow Midtown High School student Peter Parker, attempting to talk to him the same day he was bitten by the radioactive spider that made him Spider-Man. One day, Jessica’s father received tickets to Disney World from his boss, Tony Stark. During the drive, Jessica’s squabbling with her brother distracted her father long enough for him to lose control of the vehicle and collide with an army truck.

Thankfully for Jessica (the sole survivor of the crash), the army truck was carrying unknown materials that, when splashed on her, gave her superhuman abilities. Taking the name Jewel, Jessica, by now adopted by the Jones family, began fighting crime and training to use her powers. Her rather uneventful career lasted a few years before she encountered Daredevil’s villain, the Purple Man.

Things take a sharp, downward spiral for Jessica at this point, as Purple Man immediately seizes control of her mind, forcing her to attack police officers before transporting them both to safety. For months afterwards, Jessica was physically and psychologically tortured by Purple Man. Finally, she was given the task of tracking down Daredevil at Avengers Mansion, where a chance encounter with the Scarlet Witch helped free her from Purple Man’s control.

Now free, Jessica was hurt when she realized that almost nobody really noticed she was gone. After another brief try at being a superhero, Jessica becomes a licensed private investigator and started up her own firm, Alias Investigations (where we find her in her first appearance, in Alias #1). After a few jobs, including being tricked into revealing Captain America’s identity, Jessica began a relationship with both Scott Lang and Luke Cage.

Image taken from

Later on in life, Jessica had a child with Luke Cage, with the two eventually marrying. She was also attacked by Purple Man at least twice after his initial defeat, and both times defeated him with psychic shielding given to her by Jean Grey.

Obviously, there are a number of things I left out of this brief overview of Jessica’s history, but do you think I missed anything really important? Does anyone feel like they know the Jessica Jones character a little better now?

Let me know, either in the comments below or with a tweet through that widget on the left. Better yet, like the Comic Books vs The World Facebook page, and subscribe to the official Youtube channel to keep up with all the latest on Comic Books vs The World.

Keep coming back for more of Jessica Jones Month!

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